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Standard Classrooms

Our "Standard" Classroom configuration typically consists of a ceiling-mounted projector and a retractable, motorized projection screen used to display the installed networked PC computer (with built-in DVD drive and front USB ports), or the installed document camera. As well, a laptop computer or portable video device may be displayed by connecting to the local input panel at the lectern. The room’s audio system may include a lectern-mounted gooseneck microphone, wireless lapel microphone, and handheld microphone(s).

Complete list of TLC supported "Standard" classrooms:

Advanced Engineering Research Building ( AER ): 135

Agricultural Sciences Building ( AGR ): G610071010200320042010

Applied Human Sciences Building ( AHB ): G06G08G10101102103104115116

Allen Hall ( ALH ): 406510511610 612703711712808809

Armstrong Hall ( ARM ): 119206209219306315422

Art Museum ( ART ): G7

Bennett Tower ( BTT ): G05

Brooks Hall ( BKH ): G25125151202225302 

Chitwood Hall ( CHI ): <Under Renovation>

Clark Hall ( CKH ): 101104112200208312317320

Eiesland Hall ( EIE ): G24G26G27503 

Engineering Sciences Building ( ESB ): G39G83G84G102207501

Evansdale Crossing ( EVC ): 412414

Life Sciences Building ( LSB ): G11G15G21G23

Lyon Tower ( LYT ): G06G07G08

Mineral Resources Building ( MRB ): 113 

Ming Hsieh Hall ( MHH ): G20G21122126

NRCCE ( NRC ): 101125127 

Oglebay Hall ( OGH ): 102103106107110117118

Percival Hall ( PER ): 314a315316332334335

Physical Activity and Sports Sciences   (now Applied Human Services Building, see listings above)

South Ag Sciences ( SAS ): 1021

White Hall ( WHI ): B51G4G6G9 

Woodburn Hall ( WDB ): G4G10G11G15G16G21101102105106109110116

There are two subsets of these classrooms.

Computer Lab Classrooms have the "Standard" configuration, with the addition of a computer station at each student seat.

Collaborative Classrooms have the "Standard" configuration, designed specifically with Active Learning in mind to have the ability for groups of students to work together, and in most instances to display their content to the class.