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eCampus Template

We have created a simplified eCampus template you can use if you're just starting with your eCampus course space.

Attention!Download the eCampus template.

This template is meant for empty course shells and not for courses which already have content.

After downloading the template, you'll want to import it in eCampus.

  1. Download and save the zip file from Box (above) in a folder where you will later be able to access it
  2. Go to the Course Management section within your eCampus course
  3. Select the Import Package/View Logs option within the Packages and Utilities section
  4. You will be directed to a blank page and be shown an Import Package option
  5. Under the Select a Package section, browse and select the zip file that you downloaded above
  6. Under the Select Course Materials section, select all
  7. Click the Submit button