WVU Course Delivery Rubric
NOTE: The following resources will eventually be moved to the Provost's Office website. Redirects will be provided for a short period of time.
This is a rubric designed to act as a companion to the WVU Course Design Rubric. There is no single measure of the quality of course delivery, but this rubric will be an aid to reflecting on some teaching best practices. Every classroom is different, and there is not a “perfect” method of teaching. However, best practices serve as a starting point. The Course Delivery Rubric has two categories: Teaching and Support and Communication. Each category contains what can be thought of as a “checklist” to aid in quality course delivery. Many of the items mentioned are somewhat general because there are many variations of what quality teaching looks like. In general, this rubric is best utilized as a self-reflection tool.THE WVUBRIC
Teaching and Support
- Regularly monitor student progress in the course.
- For Online courses or courses with online components, such as HyFlex, best practice is to log in to the Learning Management System daily to check on course activity.
- Promote student engagement during appropriate learning activities, such as creating
smaller groups for targeted discussions and interactions (e.g., group work).
- This can be done on the spot in synchronous interactions such as a face-to-face class meeting or a live online class meeting. It can also be done for asynchronous activities, such as in a discussion board, for Online, Hybrid, and HyFlex courses.
- Be active in discussions.
- In face-to-face and similar synchronous interactions, this occurs naturally. In an asynchronous discussion, it is important to keep in mind that a response to every student post is not necessary. However, instructor comments can help spur further discussion and let the students know you are engaged as well.
- If the subject of an activity or discussion may be controversial, give extra instructions
and guidelines for expectations on conduct and submissions.
- For example, students could be reminded that it is fine to have disagreements in a learning environment, as long as it is done respectfully.
- An asynchronous discussion in an Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex course on a controversial subject could quickly get out of hand. Therefore, close monitoring and moderation is necessary.
- Provide students with timely feedback on assignments and submissions that emphasizes
how they can best continue working toward learning goals.
- Consider including feedback expectations in your Syllabus, for example you could specify that your students can expect to receive feedback on appropriate assignments within a certain number of days.
- If necessary, modify materials, assignments, and activities in order to meet the
needs of students.
- This includes modifications within the Learning Management System if it is utilized. (Online course, Hybrid, Hy-Flex, etc.).
- Reflect on assessments to see what students are understanding and what needs further instruction. For example, if several students struggled with an assessment on a foundational topic, identify and share additional resources to help fill the gaps in their understanding so they can be more successful in future assignments.
- Consider giving students questions and information before class meetings so they can prepare responses and further questions. This can increase participation during instruction, and is especially useful in synchronous meetings of Online, Hybrid, and Hy-Flex courses.
- When using new tools or doing unique activities, conduct a low-stakes “dry run” to give both you and students some experience with it before utilizing it fully. For example, if you are going to use a tool like VoiceThread for an assignment, allow students to create a basic version of the assignment on some content of their choice for participation credit.
- Be able to point students to proper support services, such as ITS or third-party vendors for technical issues, tutoring services offered by WVU, and mental health resources, such as the Carruth Center.
- Prepare rubrics and work samples to help students understand the expectations for assignments and discussions.
- Utilize the “chunking” method where tasks are broken down into smaller pieces so students can receive feedback throughout the process and stay engaged in the course. This is particularly useful for Online courses but is helpful in any type of course.
- If necessary, solicit and reflect upon student feedback regarding learning activities and assessments and make changes to future activities and assessments.
- Establish expectations of conductand discourse in the classroom.
- In Online, Hybrid, and HyFlex courses this includes establishing principles of “Netiquette” for discussions and interactions.
- Make/send regular announcements for students to remind them of expectations, due dates, etc.
- In an Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex course, there are several ways to make regular announcements outside of class meetings, such as the Announcement tool in the Learning Management System.
- Respond to student inquiries, such as emails or messages with the Learning Management
System, within a pre-established duration.
- Best practice is 24-48 hours; this is especially important for courses with asynchronous components.
- Establish Office Hours.
- For example, if your course is Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex, you can utilize video communication tools such as Collaborate Ultra or Zoom to hold Office Hours or develop an equivalent method, such as students scheduling an appointment.<.li>
- When offering feedback to students, point out positive aspects of their work as well as where they need to improve. This will help build your relationship with students and let them know you see the good work they do.
- Be prepared to state expectations and directions in multiple ways.
- In a face-to-face course or synchronous online course, it is simple for students to raise questions in the moment they receive directions, but in asynchronous instruction it can helpful to try and anticipate student questions and include them in your directions.
- Be flexible with times and types of communication to meet the needs of your students.
- Be aware of tone in written communication.
- Without the help of cues such as body language, expressions, etc., it is easier for written com- munications to be misinterpreted. Simple practices can be helpful in avoiding misinterpretation, such as beginning messages with a greeting and inviting future contact and questions.
- Take steps to prevent students from becoming “disconnected” from the course.
- An example in a face-to-face course would be asking the student to stay after class for a few minutes to discuss any issues they may be having.
- An example in an Online course is reaching out to students if they are not logging in, missing deadlines, or not engaged with activities, etc.
- Maintain a “presence” within the course and classroom by connecting with students
and letting your voice as an instructor be a part of the course.
- In an Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex course presence means that students feel like you are there as a person and committed to their success. It can be as simple as adding a picture or video of yourself in your course introduction or creating materials that include your “voice”.
- Build a community within your online classroom using activities such as introductions/icebreakers,
group and team-building exercises, etc.
- An example in an Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex course would be an Introduction Forum.
- Plan out communications, such as emails or announcements, at regular intervals
throughout the course and before major assignments or deadlines.
- In Online, Hybrid or HyFlex, this could be planned for the start of each Learning Unit/Module.
- Utilize a general question area for students to submit questions about the material,
assignments, and/or activities. Consider making it anonymous so that students
feel more comfortable asking questions.
- In an Online, Hybrid, or HyFlex course, this can be done with an anonymous discussion board. There are also strategies for doing this in a Face to Face course, such as anonymous “Exit Tickets.”