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Artificial Intelligence Syllabus Statements

Sample Permissive Syllabus Statement One:

Forms of coding and/or problem-solving assistance that use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance or refine a student’s own work are permitted in this course. However, the use of such tools must be documented and clearly cited in all submitted work. Students must talk with their instructor prior to using such tools and be prepared to explain/answer any questions about the work submitted.

Sample Permissive Syllabus Statement Two:

In this course, content-generating AI may be used in assignments, but proper citations must be given. Students must clearly identify writing, text, or media generated by AI and show how AI tools were used in the process of creating a final product. Not acknowledging AI-generated work will be treated as academic dishonesty. Students should think critically about the appropriate use of AI to achieve learning goals.

Sample Restrictive Syllabus Statement One:

Unless notified otherwise, content-generating AI is not to be used in this course. The instructor will clearly state when and how it is permissible for students to use these tools. When allowed, students must clearly identify writing, text, or media generated by AI and show how AI tools were used in the process of creating a final product. Any attempt to treat AI output as a student’s own work or failing to identify AI-generated work will be treated as academic dishonesty. Students should think critically about the appropriate use of AI to achieve learning goals.

Sample Restrictive Syllabus Statement Two:

Forms of writing assistance that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to proofread a student’s own written work (such as spellcheck or Grammarly) are acceptable. However, tools that rely on generative AI (such as GPT-3, ChatGPT, and Bard) that actually “write” (or generate) text from a prompt are not to be used to generate drafts or written work for any assignment in this course. If students are unsure which AI tools are acceptable, they should consult the instructor prior to using them.