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2018 Award Recipients

The Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) has awarded nine grants and two honorable mentions to West Virginia University faculty to encourage innovation in the classroom.  

The grants were awarded to:

  • Gerald Angle - Engineering: Fundamentals of Engineering (No other members.) Arduino board to add a hands-on aspect to the ENGR 102 computer programming course.
  • Lee Mullett – Davis: Interior Design (No other members.) Virtual reality software and equipment to enhance interior design learning by allowing the students to be "in" the space during the design process.
  • Sheri Chisholm - Potomac State: STEM – PSC, aided by Mary F. Shipper Library (Dr. Charles A. Julian) and School of Nursing - Potomac State College (April Shapiro) iPads and software to increase interactivity in anatomy, physiology, and biology courses
  • Leslie Hopkinson – Engineering: Civil and Environmental Engineering (No other members.) Document camera with video and screen capture capabilities to act as a virtual overhead projector to simulate the in-class experience in an online course.
  • Kenneth Brown – Eberly: Geology & Geography (No other members.) High quality camera and mount system to provide in-depth virtual field experiences when field trips are impractical or impossible.
  • Kimberly Meigh - CEHS: Communication Sciences and Disorders (No other members.) Speech therapy software to provide hands-on clinical simulations to students in the areas of dysarthia and voice disorders.
  • Jessica Deshler – Eberly: Mathematics, aided by experienced GTA’s acting as mentors to novice GTA’s Audio/video technology that will follow GTAs around the classroom while they teach to later be reviewed and improve teaching practices.
  • Holly Ressetar - School of Medicine: Anatomy division, department pathology, anatomy and laboratory medicine, aided by Bruce Palmer iPads and accessories to increase the access to a unique historical collection of medical specimens.
  • Nina Assimakopoulos - Creative Arts: Music, aided by Brittany Trotter (Doctoral Student), Eftihia Arkoudis (Doctoral Student), David Stedge (Masters Student), Samantha Donnell (Masters student), Jacob Labarge, Arianna Bendit, Jamie Mandelson, Lydia Moenssen, Tyler Schmidt (Undergrad students) Technology needed to investigate, explore, and create musical performances incorporating electro-acoustic works.
Honorable Mentions
  • Aaron Maxwell - Eberly: Geology and Geography (No other members.) Recording equipment to integrate short videos into courses. 
  • Jody Crosno - Business & Economics: Marketing (No other members.) Legos to be used in a marketing project focused on generating, developing, and refining new product ideas.

The awardees are expected to incorporate the technology into the classroom during the 2018-2019 academic year and present their findings in a poster session at Celebrate on May 8, 2019.