NOTE: These are general instructions for lighting control in most classrooms.
A. Locate the touchpanel on the multimedia lectern top. If the
screen is blank, press on it to clear the sleep screen.
B. Find and press the Lights button.
C. Lighting presets will appear on the touchpanel, as well as
buttons to turn all lights off or to their maximum setting.
Most classrooms also have a light control switch mounted
to the wall, usually near the lectern.
D. In classrooms with this 5-button wall-mount light switch:
Press the top
of the left-side "rocker" button to turn all lights on full. Press the
bottom of the left-side rocker button to turn lights off.
Dimming Presets can be activated using one of the right-side buttons.
Some additional adjustment is available by activating the dimming preset
of your choice, then press-and-hold the bottom of the left-side
rocker button to dim lights even further.
- These are prominent in Hodges Hall classrooms.
E. In classrooms with this 7-button wall-mount light
Functions include full ON, OFF, presets A through D, and an up/down
rocker switch to dim lights even further.
- Prominent in smaller rooms like Woodburn Hall classrooms.
F. In classrooms with this 5-button wall-mount panel:
The lights can also be controlled by using the buttons on the white control
panel in the room. Functions include on, several presets, off,
and up/down controls for dimming adjustment.
- Prominent in Oglebay Hall classrooms and several auditoriums across campus.
G. In classrooms with basic on/off switches:
Rows of lighting fixtures in the room are wired into these light switches, so flipping one switch will control multiple fixtures within area(s) of the classroom.
- Prominent in Brooks Hall G25, 125, 151, 225, and 302 classrooms.